Is Uninsured Motorist Insurance Required in Nevada?

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Like other US states, Nevada requires all drivers to carry insurance in some form.

As a fault state, where liability for car accidents is determined based on each driver’s degree of fault, the required coverage is in the form of liability insurance.

In the event of an accident, an at-fault driver’s insurance company pays, up to a limit, for the damages that the insured driver causes in an accident. 

Since 2018, Nevada requires drivers to carry liability insurance that covers a minimum of:

  • $25,000 per person for bodily injury;
  • A total of $50,000 per accident for bodily injury; and
  • $20,000 for property damage specifically.

Remember, this is just the minimum. Nevada drivers are always allowed to purchase any other form of liability insurance offered by their insurance provider to go beyond the minimum threshold.

Conversely, no-fault states typically require drivers to carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. With a PIP coverage plan, you seek compensation for personal injury through your own insurance provider.

These types of coverage are typically the bare minimum. Drivers in all states can purchase additional coverage. Sometimes this includes uninsured motorist insurance.

Read on for more information on uninsured motorist coverage in Nevada.

What Is Uninsured Motorist Insurance?

Uninsured motorist coverage is typically an “extra” product that drivers can purchase in addition to their basic insurance package.

Like PIP coverage, uninsured motorist coverage is a way for drivers to seek compensation for car accident damages through their own insurer.

However, unlike PIP coverage, uninsured motorist insurance covers a driver only if the at-fault driver’s insurance coverage is not enough to cover the entirety of the accident. 

Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Action

To illustrate, consider this example: 

You are in a car accident and are 0% at fault. You suffer a total of $50,000 in damages. You are insured and have uninsured motorist coverage up to $50,000. It turns out the other driver is entirely uninsured. In such an event, you could seek compensation from your own insurance company through your uninsured motorist coverage. 

Sometimes we refer to uninsured motorist coverage as underinsured motorist coverage because this insurance product generally also kicks in if the at-fault driver had an insurance policy that did not cover the entire amount of damages.

In that event, your underinsured motorist insurance would kick in to cover only the difference between your total damages and the other driver’s insurance coverage.

For example, if the other driver had a policy limit of $25,000, your underinsured motorist policy could cover the other $25,000.

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Does Nevada Require Uninsured Motorist Insurance?

No. Nevada does not require all drivers to carry uninsured motorist insurance coverage.

With that said, however, Nevada does require insurance providers to give drivers the option of purchasing uninsured motorist coverage.

If an insurer fails to offer uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage in Nevada, a court would imply they offered you this coverage, meaning you will be covered.

Additionally, the insurer may face disciplinary action from the state. 

Were You in a Car Crash in Nevada?

If you were in a car crash with an uninsured driver in Nevada, look no further than Friedman Injury Law for help with your claim.

If you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage, but were in such an accident, your best bet may be to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. To do that, you will need the help of an attorney who has specific experience with car accidents and uninsured drivers.

Blake Friedman of Friedman Injury Law has that experience. Through the years, Blake has helped countless clients recover the entirety of the damages they suffered in their car accidents.

If you want to know more about Blake Friedman’s prior experience, check out our testimonials and case results pages. When you are ready, give us a call for your risk-free consultation!

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